Master Thesis

#Master Thesis#

###University of Oslo, 1985###

I will upload my master thesis when I’ve managed to convert it, preferably to English, and at least from printed form. It was written on a long-forgotten computer and I’m no longer able to convert the diskettes.

Preceding my master thesis I presented two papers at AES conventions early in the eighties.  One of these made it to the Journal of the AES. I’ve scanned it, so take a look, it’s about class AB distortion in power amplifiers.  This article was also used by the Danish High Fidelity magazine, which made a follow-up article on it, and also presented an amplifier modifications (of their own) based on this article. I’ve not been able to locate this article, but I believe it was in 1983, possibly the October issue. If anyone got it, I would appreciate a copy :-)


Class AB Distortion in Power Amplifiers